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Editorial: Letter of Support for Kyla McSweeney

By contributor,

I write in support of Kyla McSweeney for one of the open Hopkinton Select Board positions.

I have known Kyla and her family for over a decade. Her decision to run for this position is founded on her concern for the challenges being faced in our community.

Kyla has a background of being an avid volunteer in town, including being an elected member of the Cemetery Commission.

Editorial: Letter of Support for Peter Mimmo

By contributor,

I write in support of Peter Mimmo for one of the open Hopkinton Select Board positions.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Peter and his family for many years. I believe Peter will bring great knowledge and experience, as well as a fresh perspective to this role.

Peter is a licensed attorney who has dedicated his professional career to public service in Massachusetts.

He has also served in many volunteer capacities in our commonwealth, including being elected to our Hopkinton Board of Assessors.

Editorial: Letter of Support for Brian Herr

By contributor,

I am writing to endorse Brian Herr for Select Board. I have worked with Brian for several decades as a result of our overlapping roles serving the community of Hopkinton. My roles on the School Committee, the Appropriations Committee, and as the Chair of the 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee have provided me with a long-term and multi-faceted view of Brian. We have not always agreed on the matters before us, but I have always found that Brian seeks input, listens to and respects other viewpoints, and works collaboratively to move the town forward.

Susan Stephenson says I will always put the students first

By contributor,

I am running for School Committee as a continuation of many years of service to childhood education. I consider myself fortunate to have taught English at the middle school and high school levels for 36 years in one of the top ranked districts in Pennsylvania. During that time, I also served as a coach and national chairman for an innovative, peer-led competitive learning program. As a long-term educator I enjoyed many opportunities to mentor students, student teachers, and colleagues.

Editorial: Supporting Susan Stephenson and Adam Munroe for School Committee

By contributor,

I am writing in support of Adam Munroe and Susan Stephenson for Hopkinton School Committee. I have devoted my career to public education and now serve as a Hopkinton Library Trustee because free and equitable access to the development of broad and deep knowledge and skills is the foundation for individual and collective flourishing now and in the future.

Editorial: Endorsing Susan Stephenson and Adam Munroe for School Committee

By contributor,

I’m writing in support of Susan Stephenson and Adam Munroe for our School Committee. I’ve been taking the time to review the statements, the candidate sites, and presentations around town (along with reflecting on the questions asked at town meeting), and am confident that Susan and Adam will add thoughtful voices to our town School Committee.

Editorial: Endorsing Susan Stephenson for School Committee

By contributor,

Having myself been an educator for over forty years, I recognize the dedication and commitment that Susan Stephenson will bring to the table as a School Committee member. Ms. Stephenson understands what it takes to teach through her own experience as an educator. Her value comes from years of direct daily contact with students, colleagues and administrators. This perspective adds to the depth and breadth to the Committee members who currently have children in our school system.

Editorial: Endorsing Susan Stephenson for School Committee

By contributor,

Dear Editor,
I am honored to endorse Susan Stephenson for School Committee. Susan grew up in Western PA and just recently moved to Hopkinton in August. She spent her 36 year career as a middle school/high school English teacher in the Seneca Valley district, one of the top ranked districts in PA. Once she moved here, it didn't take long for her to become an integral part of the community. She started volunteering at the Senior Center, became a member of the Democratic Committee and is now a candidate for the School Committee.

HCAM Letters to the Editor Guidelines for 2023 Hopkinton Town Election

By Tom Nappi, News Director

-The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of HCAM.

-Submissions must include the writer’s name and address for verification and publication with the letter.

-HCAM reserves the right to edit letters for length. We ask that Submissions should be no more than 400 words.

-Letters may be edited by HCAM staff for space, errors or clarification.

-All Letters must include appropriate language and be suitable for all ages.